Our Quote

“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Kiwi Flag

Kiwi Flag

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Royal Blues

I'm sorry. I just don't get it.

I don't understand why everyone is up in arms about the "Wedding of the Century" between Prince William and Katherine Middleton.

I must seem like even more of an idiot to my friends here in New Zealand. They get it. I don't.
For those of you who don't know, New Zealand is one of the Commonwealth Nations under the British Crown. There are 54 countries that make up the Commonwealth and they are spread out all over the globe. Some are places that we easily associate with the British, like Canada but others I would have never picked as Commonwealth nations (like India, Nigeria, Belze and Jamaica?).
This is the best map I could find, but these are all the countries in pink

Coming from the US, it seems foreign to have pictures of the Queen on the money and pictures of Princes and Princess hanging up in the post office but we live in a British commonwealth and living with royalty is an everyday thing here.

My first clash with the idea of royalty came when I was trying to buy a stamp to send my dad a birthday card. When I got to the window, the sweet lady was excited to give me a stamp that had just been released commemerating the impending nuptuals of Prince William and his girlfriend. Honestly, I didn't want the stamp. Firstly, it was too big. It looked like a 3x5 portrait. How was I supposed to make that fit on a birthday card?
Secondly, I could only imagine the snickers and giggles when the stamp made its way to the post office in Atlanta.
I really just wanted a "normal" stamp. Something with mountains or streams on it. Something that was classically New Zealand.

Post office clerk: You are so lucky you got here early, I only have one sheet left of the commemerative stamps. Aren't they gorgeous? I'm sure you'd like extra but we are limiting the purchase to only 5 per customer. How many would you like?
Me, looking at the giant stamp: Uh...None really.
Post office clerk: Oh, no extras? Ok, good as gold. Here's your one stamp.
Me: Actually, I was hoping to just get something else.
Post office clerk, now looking at me like I just grew another head: You don't want a stamp with WILL AND KATE on it?
Me, knowing that I have made a stupid mistake: Uh, no, its just that, its really nice, and he's so handsome and she's pretty, but I don't really think....
Post Office Clerk: Everyone has been wanting these stamps. This is the Engagement Portrait Stamp! See, You can see Princess Di's ring on her finger and everything....
Me, hoping to salvage myself: Honestly, I don't want to be selfish. I bought my maximum of 5 stamps yesterday
Post Office clerk: Aren't you a dear! Don't worry, if you come back next week we will have some more!
Me: Thank you

Then I walked away with the giant stamp, with the Prince William and his fiancee on it.
One week later, my father received his birthday card, complete with the Prince stamp on it.

Don't get me wrong, I'm a girlie girl in some ways. I love weddings, I love big white dresses. I'm a romantic. But I didn't need the crazy, pre-wedding drama that we have had to tolerate over the past several weeks.
You couldn't turn on New Zealand TV without shows about "Wills and Kate". It got to be quite annoying.
What was even crazier was that previously normal women I worked with were throwing "Wedding Watch Parties".
Now, you have to realize that the wedding was showed live at around 11pm in New Zealand. There were people actually having parties that STARTED at 10pm just to watch the wedding.
The local liquor stores were having "Wedding specicals" and there were runs on finger foods and party platters.
I knew I had crossed into the twilight zone when I came to work on Friday and there were people dressed up in dresses, suits and tiaras. I'm sorry, but I had to ask...

Me: What are you wearing
Lady at my job: I'm dressed up for the wedding, silly. Everyone was to wear their finest today!
Me: really? For what?
Lady: The WEDDING!!!!
She rolls her eyes, adjusts her plastic tiara and huffs off...

Ok, fine
Congratulations Will and Kate!

1 comment:

  1. LOL- hey, even here in Mexico, er, you know what I mean, people got up at 2am to watch it! At work the next day, it was the ONLY thing on in the rooms! We got a little into here too. I'll take your stamps if you don't want them ;)
