The days are longer, the weather is warmer...
The grass is green.
All the animals are having babies! First we noticed a couple of cute little wobbly legged calves, then all the sheep starting having their cute little lambs!
I thought it was so amazing to have little lambs in our back yard! You could see them playing together, following behind their moms...
It was beautiful at first...
New mom and her baby
They bleat when they can't find their moms.
They bleat when they play.
They bleat cause they can.
And the most annoying of all...they bleat, A LOT, after 12 midnight.
It was cute, but now I see why they silence the lambs... cute...til night falls
little lamb...i think i'll call her "Chop"
I can't wait for spring to end!!!!
I had heard about this before...Your account is hilarious...Sounds like you need to invest in a good pair of ear plugs!